Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats

In case you are wondering about the title of today’s write up – the song is stuck in my head. The reason the song is stuck in my head is because to find our way back home we look for mares, goats and boats – all important turns in this maze of greenhouses. But it always reminds me of the song.

We geeked out a bit today and went to the Boerhaave Museum in Leiden. It’s the museum of the history of science and medicine and most importantly (well, to Michael at least) the home of the Leyden Jars.

Leiden itself is a beautiful town. It is a University town and it is steeped in history. It has many canals, drawbridges, Dutch houses, tiny alleyways, churches, bikes, bikes and more bikes. Everywhere we turned there was something to see.
